Updates – Mária Magdolna Bódi and Medjugorje

Deutsch Magyar

In this article, I am going to discuss updates to two of my previous articles. One of them is the impending “beatification” of the Hungarian virgin martyr Mária Magdolna Bódi and the other is the “nihil obstat” ruling about Medjugorje by the “Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith”.

The “beatification” of Mária Magdolna Bódi

Mária Magdolna Bódi (1921-1945) was a Hungarian worker girl murdered by a Soviet soldier for defending herself against attempted rape. She is very popular in Hungary, since she was a simple young factory worker and evangelized among young people.

Bergoglio has “recognized her martyrdom” on May 23, 2024. She is going to be “beatified” on April 26, 2025 in Veszprém, Hungary. There is a lot of celebration and thanksgiving in Hungary for the conclusion of this case.

Unfortunately, since “Francis” (Jorge Bergoglio) is an antipope, the beatification will be invalid. However, she is a real martyr, unlike the Marxist “Blessed” Enrique Angelelli, Bishop of La Rioja, who died in a car crash in 1976. I have already written an article about him.

May God, through the intercession of Magdi, have mercy on His Church, end the Bergoglian usurpation and give us a real, saintly pope.

„ihr heilign Frauen tugendreich,
ihr Freunde Gottes allzugleich,
Helft uns in diesem Erdental,
dass wir durch Gottes Gnad und Wahl
zum Himmel kommen allzumal!“ (Hymn 542 from the German Catholic hymnal Gotteslob)

“you holy women full of virtue,
all of you friends of God,
help us in this earthly valley,
that we, through God’s grace and election
get to Heaven one day!”

My article about Mária Magdolna Bódi can be found here.

The “recognition” of Medjugorje

Medjugorje (actually: Međugorje) is a village in Bosnia-Herzegowina where five teenagers and a boy claimed to have started seeing apparitions of the Virgin Mary in 1981. Since then, there have been over 40000 “messages”, full of trivial content which could have been written by anyone who knows something about the Faith. The local bishop, Pavao Žanić, was at first open towards the visionaries, but started rejecting the apparitions when problems with the “visionaries” and the “messages” began to emerge. His successor, Ratko Perić, also rejected the apparitions.

For decades, the document upon which the Church based its evaluation of apparitions was “Norms regarding the manner of proceeding in the discernment of presumed apparitions or revelations” by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith from 1978. One possible judgment is “constat de supernaturalitate” (supernatural nature is established), another is “constat de non supernaturalitate” (a non-supernatural nature is established). So, an approval and a rejection. There is also a third option, “non constat de supernaturalitate” (a supernatural nature has not been established), which is basically a “we don’t know” verdict.

The judgment is reserved to the local bishop. The Vatican can of course overrule him. It is important to note that these judgments are not infallible, but only constitute an expert opinion. If an apparition is recognized, no one is obliged to believe it. However, if one is rejected, Catholics are obliged to stop its promotion.

In May 2024, “Cardinal” Víctor Fernández (“Tucho”), “prefect” of the “Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith”, issued a new document. In it, he basically abolishes the “approval” option but keeps the “rejection” option. Instead of the “don’t know” option, there are five different confusing verdicts. Of course, all of this is null and void, because Bergoglio is not the pope.

When the document came out, I already suspected that it was specifically issued for Medjugorje and I suspected that Tucho would also use it to create as much confusion as possible by giving one of the five verdicts to many dubious apparitions.

So, on September 19, 2024, Tucho granted the highest level “Nihil obstat” (“nothing stands in the way”, one of the 5 “unknown” level) to these alleged Medjugorje apparitions. This document (even if it stipulates that the local bishop will “discern any future messages […] and should authorize them before any publication”) essentially gives the “visionaries” a blank check to say whatever they want.

The key statement is the following: “[t]he positive fruits linked to this spiritual experience are evident and, over time, they have become distinct from the experience of the alleged visionaries, who are no longer seen as the central mediators of the ‘Medjugorje phenomenon.’ In the midst of this phenomenon, the Holy Spirit is carrying out many beautiful and positive things.” In other words: it is irrelevant whether the apparitions are true or not. All that matters is that people are having religious experiences and are having a good time there.

Supporters of Medjugorje should think long and hard when deciding whom to trust. On the one side, there is “Tucho”, the author of blasphemous pervert books and his boss, the heretic and apostate Bergoglio, giving their approval to Medjugorje. On the other, there are the two legitimate local bishops, Pavao Žanić (bishop 1980-1993, died 2010) and Ratko Perić (bishop after 1993), both of which have repeatedly rejected the apparitions.