Articles about Noah’s Ark

Deutsch     Magyar

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Solutions to some challanges aboard the Ark

Published on 05.01.2021.

Noah would have encountered many smaller problems and challenges aboard the Ark. However, the solutions to many of these are fairly straightforward.

What is a “kind” in Genesis?

Published on 04.06.2021.

Many people ask how all the animals fit on Noah’s ark. Noah only took from the “kinds” of animals, not of species. Here we’ll take a look at what a “kind” is.

The Genesis Flood is not a retelling of the Gilgamesh Epic

Published on 03.31.2021.

Many people have been told that the Genesis Flood is just a myth based upon the Gilgamesh epic, because it is older than the Bible. However, they don’t realize the huge differences between the two texts.

Ark Size Comparison

Published on 03.30.2021.

Just how big was the ark? Its dimension given in the Bible, 300 * 50 * 30 cubits, don’t tell much to a modern reader. Well, this article makes a comparison with modern ships.