GCatholic.org is a site with all sorts of statistics about the Catholic Church: dioceses, cathedrals, bishops.

It contains data about the saints: the list of beatifications and canonizations by each pope and a list of saints per each country.

It is also noteworthy that there is a list with episcopal mottoes of bishops around the world, which is a great resource if one tries to create one’s own coat-of-arms.

Chinese Bible, Catechism and Canon Law
On the website of the Chinese Regional Bishops Conference in Taiwan (catholic.org.tw), each book of the Bible and the different parts of the Catechism and Canon Law are uploaded as PDF files. They are in the first menu at the top of the page (認識天主教), the second (聖經), third (天主教教理) and fourth (天主教法典) submenus, respectively.

Zimit (zimit.kiwix.org) is a free web service which downloads entire websites into a .zim file. The .zim file format was originally created to enable people to read Wikipedia off-line. The files can be opened via the free and open-source software Kiwix.

In order to open the generated files in Kiwix (in the desktop version), one must go to the options menu (three circles) and click on “Local Kiwix Server”. This will give an address to be opened in a browser.
With this website, I downloaded for example catholicbridge.com (ca. 2.1 GB) and staycatholic.com (ca. 2.8 GB).