Some philosophical short questions and answers

Deutsch     Magyar

Can God create a stone so heavy He can’t lift it?

In short, no. God is omnipotent, meaning He can do everything that is logically possible. The expression “a stone too heavy for God to lift” is a logical contradiction, just like a circular square. God essentially is logic. This is not really a contradiction: He can create any stone and lift any stone. He can do everything that is logically possible.

Why isn’t receiving the Eucharist cannibalism?

Cannibalism was one of the first things the pagans in the Roman Empire accused the Christians of. However, while the bread and wine do change into the real Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, receiving it is no cannibalism. Here’s why:

1. Jesus is not being killed again. Jesus in the Eucharist is the same Jesus as in heaven: alive.

2. When the Eucharistic Host is broken into two parts, both parts have the same Jesus in them. That means that if someone who receives Communion cannot chew the Body of Christ. This is a difference to eating.

3. And finally, when the Host stops having the appearance of bread, the Body of Christ disappears. Therefore, the Body of Christ cannot be digested, which is another difference to eating.