The message of Mary from Rwanda to the world

Deutsch     Magyar

Article image: by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Flickr, under the CC-BY-NC 2.0 license

Published: 01.31.2022.

In 1981, the Virgin Mary appeared to three schoolgirls in Rwanda, in the heart of Africa. Unfortunately, this story is not widely known – even though it is fascinating.


View around Kibeho. (Credit: Vantage Point.jpg:
Kibeho, Rwanda. May 26th, 2015. Photo and editing by Xizi Luo. Please give credit. Xizi Luo (

About Rwanda

Rwanda is a small East African country with an area of 26.338 km² and about 12 million inhabitants. Its official languages are Kinyarwanda, the mother language of the inhabitants as well as French, English and Kisuaheli. The country is bordered by Uganda on the north, Tanzania on the east, Burundi in the south, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in the west.

Rwanda was a monarchy from the 14th century until 1962, being abolished in a nationwide referendum. The German colonizers, who came in in 1885, kept the monarchy formally and acted as a protectorate, together with Burundi, whose population is made up of the same ethnicities as Rwanda. After World War I, the Belgians took over the country. In 1962, the country received independence. The people are around 55% Catholic, 5% Muslims, and the rest Protestant. The country gained international attention during the Rwandan genocide of 1994, where around 250,000 Hutu people massacred around one million Tutsi in the country.

Rwanda is made up of three ethnic groups: the Hutu, the Tutsi and a small population of Twa (pygmies), all of which have Kinyarwanda as their mother language. During the Kingdom of Rwanda, the Tutsi were the higher class and most aristocrats were Tutsi, while most Hutu were poor farmers and, for a time, basically serfs. So, the groups of the Hutu and Tutsi are the remnants of socioeconomic conditions and not actual ethnic groups based upon differences in culture or language. This lingering disdain then erupted in the 1994 genocide.

After the genocide, the country began an economic boom and has seen constant improvement.

The seers

Alphonsine Mumureke was born on 03.21.1965 in Cyzihira as the third child of Thaddée Gakwaya and Marie Immaculée Mukarasana. Although divorces were very rare in Rwanda, she was raised by her single mother, her father having divorced her mother before she was born. She participated in a parish choir, but wasn’t very religious or known for her piety.
Nathalie (or Anathalie) Mukamazimpaka (born 01.21.1964 in Muganza) was the child of Laurent Gnango and Gaudence Kabaziga. She was “was known to be pious and wise, though weak from the academic point of view. By character, Nathalie was timid, introverted, sober and calm.”
Marie Claire Mukangango (born 1961 in Rusekera) was the child of Baseka and Veronique Nyizatura. She was very sociable, an extrovert who demonstrated initiative.
All three girls were Catholic. Marie Claire practiced her faith, but wasn’t very religious.
For a description of the visionaries, see

Kibeho visionaries

On the image, they are from the left: Anathalie, Marie-Claire and Alphonsine

The school

The Kibeho High School was an all-girls school run by the Benebikira Sisters (Kinyarwanda for “Daughters of Mary”), a religious order founded in Ruanda in 1900. They received state funding and the state paid the tuition of the students. (Ilibagiza 33)

The very first apparitions

The first apparition happened on Saturday, November 28, 1981. Alphonsine Mumureke was on her way back from geography class when she suddenly felt a mixed feeling of fear and joy. She didn’t know what it was about and so tried to calm herself down. A bit later, when she was serving meals to her classmates, she was overcome by the feeling again. When she tried to leave the dining hall, she fell to the ground in ecstasy. She then heard a gentle female voice calling her: “My child!” She answered: “Long life to you!” [Rwandan greeting]. After the voice repeated her calling, a white cloud appeared and a beautiful woman emerged from that cloud. The woman was neither black nor white, was barefoot, in a seamless white dress, her hands in prayer. The following conversation ensued:
“Who are you?”
“I am the Mother of the Word.”
“You are the Mother of the Word? My name is Alphonsine.”
“Of all the things in heaven, what makes you happy?”
“I love God and I love His mother who gave us their son, Jesus, who has saved us!”
“Oh yes, truly.”
“If that is true, then know I have heard your prayers and am here to console you. I want your friends and schoolmates to have your faith, for they do not have enough.”
“Mother, if it’s really you, and you’ve come to our school to tell us to have more faith, you must truly love us! It’s such a great joy to see you with my own eyes.”
Here, Ilibagiza interjects that Mary “asked Alphonsine to join the Legion of Mary”. She agreed.
Then, the apparition concluded with: “Now watch as I return to heaven to be with my son.”
Alphonsine felt comfortable and blessed in the presence of the Virgin Mary.

Mary’s appearance during the visions

The Virgin Mary told Alphonsine in the very first apparition: “Ndi Nyina wa Jambo” (“I am the Mother of the Word.”).  The visionaries couldn’t tell what Mary’s skin color was, neither black nor white, but her skin looked perfect. She wore a “seamless white dress with a white veil covering her hair”. (Ilibagiza p. 62) She appeared as a beautiful young woman. Anathalie and Marie-Claire did not see Mary in their first visions, they only heard a voice. 

Alphonsine mocked by classmates

After the first apparition, most of her classmates didn’t believe Alphonsine, except a few. The rector and the sisters running the school were also skeptical. Some people believed that she wanted to win others’ sympathy, others even thought that she was under the influence of devils, since she was from the province of Kibungo (today part of the Eastern Province), which was a center for the practice of voodoo. A couple of students believed her, but were silent, since they were fearful of others.
The majority of the students, who disbelieved Alphonsine, began encircling and mocking her during the apparitions, and shouting in her ear. However, she didn’t hear or see them during an apparition and so she didn’t react. Her main critic was Marie-Claire Mukangango, who, as mentioned already, was an extroverted student. She said that Alphonsine was possessed or that she was conning the other students. She complained to the bishop, who replied to her that the apparitions were under investigation. That didn’t stop her making the lives of the visionaries miserable.
One of their games was to toss rosaries like lassos around Alphonsine’s neck, most of which landed on the floor, however some girls, who believed her, put rosaries in front of her so that Mary could bless them. During the apparition, Alphonsine picked up those rosaries which belonged to the believers and Mary blessed them.
Alphonsine prayed that Mary appear to other students as well, hoping this would convince the schoolgirls and the school administration.

Anathalie began to receive visions as well

Anathalie began to have visions on Tuesday, January 12, 1982. She suddenly felt dizzy after dinner. She felt a similar fear to Alphonsine before her first vision. When she went to her room and began to pray the rosary, she became unconscious and found herself in an endless meadow, with “oddly colored flowers”. She saw red spheres in the air around her. In this first vision, she couldn’t see the Virgin Mary yet. A voice from a cloud said to her:
“My child, I am sad because I have sent a message and no one will listen to my words as I desire.” The voice was so sad that Nathalie began to cry.
The voice continued: “It is my wish for you to cry as you do now. Your tears are punishment – not because you have sinned against me, but to serve as a reminder that I can punish those who choose to ignore my messages. My child, you must pray, for the world is in a horrible way; people have turned from God and the love of my son, Jesus.”
Mary’s message to the visionary also encompassed what she should do with her life:
“So many souls are running to ruin that I need your help to turn them back to my son. As long as you are on Earth, you have to contribute to the salvation of souls. If you will work with me, I shall give you a mission to lead those lost souls back from the darkness. Because the world is bad, my child, you will suffer – so if you accept this mission, you must also accept all the sufferings I send you with joy, love and patience.”
Mary elaborated further on suffering, telling Anathalie that “[n]o one goes to heaven without suffering. And as a child of Mary, you may never put down the cross you bear”.
Anathalie told Mary: “I accept, Mother, I accept my mission willingly.”
Before she disappeared, Mary added: “I cannot promise you happiness in this world, but I can promise you eternal happiness in the next world.” “Now I will leave you[.] But clasp your rosary tightly in your hand and kneel in order that I may bless you, my child.” (from the book of Immaculée Ilibagiza)

Marie-Claire’s visions started

Marie-Claire’s first experience was not an apparition, but an unpleasant incident. On March 1, 1982, she became unconscious and found herself in a dark place with a suffocating odor. When her classmates and a nun sprinkled her with holy water from Lourdes, she became conscious again. Later that evening, two shadows approached her, threatening her that they would come for her and then they vanished. When she woke up, she was lying on the floor, surrounded by the other girls. Alphonsine told Marie-Claire that Mary warned her about devils who planned to “attack students at the school”. (Ilibagiza p. 57) Marie-Claire was disgusted and was angry with Alphonsine and alleged again that she practiced voodoo.
The next day in the classroom, Alphonsine began to feel a tingling sensation, which meant that Mary would appear to her shortly. She left the classroom and then Mary appeared to her. Marie-Claire began to feel the same panic as the day before and lost consciousness. When she looked around in her ecstasy, she found herself on an endless grass field. She didn’t see anyone. A voice said to her twice: “Mukangango”. She replied:
– “Okay, you’ve found me. I am Mukangango. I’m here and I’m ready to fight!” She clenched her fists.
– “Why would you want to fight me, my child? What is making you so afraid? Never be afraid of your mother!”
– “I thought the devils who haunted me in the night had returned to take me away.”
– “Oh no, my poor child. There is no need to be afraid of them. I promise the things of the night that threatened you will not frighten you again.”
Mary told Marie-Claire to sing her a song with the “Blessed are those who are persecuted”-verse from the Sermon on the Mount. She was ashamed and hesitated.
– “No, I won’t. I-I don’t have a good singing voice.”
– “Then I will ask your sister to sing with you.”
In this moment, Anathalie appeared beside her, but she still couldn’t see Mary.
Mary said: “Sing this song with your sister.”, to which Anathalie replied: “Yes, Mother.”
After singing the song, she regained consciousness.

After seeing the Virgin Mary, she changed. She retracted all her slanders against the first two visionaries, prayed the rosary for forgiveness. She also abandoned her brusque style.
This news spread around the school and many more people believed the visionaries. Soon, a flood of pilgrims began to overrun Kibeho.


The Kibeho church from the side. (Credit: Kibeho_Churchfromtheside_1200p.jpg: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland (
Taken on April 14, 2018)

A promise to the students

The Virgin Mary promised to appear to all three visionaries on March 25, 1982. She told them that she wanted all 120 students to pray the rosary on their knees, to make up for their doubts towards the visionaries. She promised that if they do that, every student of this school in the next 6 years will graduate with a diploma. As Ilibagiza explains in her book, that was a huge promise, since most children dropped out due to poverty or other personal circumstances. The Protestants and Muslims among the students didn’t want to participate, but Anathalie managed to convince them. Anathalie told her classmates afterwards that “Mary wept with joy because they’d all prayed so sincerely, and she wanted to congratulate them in advance for having graduated with honors.” (Ilibagiza p. 66) In fact, according to Ilibagiza, up until the genocide 12 years later, all students of the school graduated.

The location of the apparitions

At first, the apparitions took place in the dormitory of the school, but later, with the approval of the Virgin Mary, in the yard, where they constructed a wooden podium for the visionaries and also installed loudspeakers. The podium was destroyed in the chaos during the genocide.

Alphonsine’s mystical journey

On the night from March 20 to March 21 1982, the Virgin Mary took Alphonsine on a journey to Hell and Heaven. When Mary asked her to come on the journey, she responded: “Of course, my darling. You know I’ll follow you anywhere. Just tell me when to be ready, my dear, and I’ll be waiting!” (Ilibagiza p. 131) She warned the school director that Mary told her she would appear dead during the journey, but they should leave her alone in bed. On Saturday, she didn’t show up for dinner. When a nun went in, she found Alphonsine in bed in a coma-like state. She didn’t react to any stimuli. The nun thought she had died and alarmed the director. Then, with people crowding the room, doctors tested her for signs of life. She had a slow pulse and breathing rate and a low blood pressure. She was barely alive in an impossible condition. When she was pinched or stung with needles, she didn’t react – just like during the apparitions. She woke up 18 hours later and recounted what she saw.
Mary took her first to a place called “Place of Despair”, where she experienced “shadows and groans of sadness and pain”. She then visited “a place of golden light filled with happiness and laughter”. “When Alphonsine asked the name of that beautiful desirable place, the B.V.M [Blessed Virgin Mary] responded that it was the home for those with illumined hearts.” (Mwebe p. 14) She just heard voices, but didn’t see anyone. After seeing the visions, she awoke. She also brought a message to the nuns: they should pray the rosary well and remain Mary’s children in mutual love

Anathalie’s mystical journey

Anathalie went on two mystical journeys: on September 04 and October 30, 1982. She recounts one of her journeys like this: “First, she showed me a place called “crossroads”, there were seven angels. Then she showed me a crowded and beautiful place called “fullness of joy”. She showed me a place called “analysis”, with the audience of tireless people. And finally, she showed me another place called “punishment”, and the people in the room were hard headed. The beauty of these places was not the same. At first, it was very beautiful, in the light; the place of the fullness of joy was beautiful enough to be contemplated relentlessly; The analysis was a place where the heat was moderate, it was a place that was not as interesting as in joy. The so-called “punishment” area was a very scary bad place, far from the taste of an observer and those who were there called themselves “hard heads”.” (here)

Anathalie fasted on the Eucharist for forty days

Dr. Vénant Ntabomvura, the head of the Physician’s Commission studying the events of Kibeho, recounted in a 2019 interview: “Nathalie, she is still there in Kibeho, told us that she had been ordered to fast and live only on the Holy Eucharist for forty days to join Jesus. It was during Lent. When I learned this from Nathalie, I said to myself “this is an opportunity to follow closely, this should not be overlooked.” I went to the Bishop to ask him to allow me to mount a special guard, a tight guard so that there is no cheating. The Bishop agreed. So I took a team of nurses from all religions. There were, for example, Protestants in there. I made them swear on the Holy Bible and we put a sound on the door. I told these nurses to follow everything that goes on in this child’s room closely. Listen … this child completely followed what the Blessed Virgin had asked her. She did not eat, she lived of the Holy Eucharist. This, for example, is extraordinary, it is something not to be overlooked.” (Interview here)

Religious movement in the country

Many people in Rwanda, and also from the neighboring countries, began flocking to Kibeho, mostly on foot, since the roads weren’t very developed back then. Immaculée Ilibagiza describes her father’s journey extensively in her book, who walked on foot with around 300 people to Kibeho.

The apparitions sparked a religious enthusiasm in the country, but as Immaculée laments: “Unfortunately, not enough people prayed – too few cleansed their hearts of hatred.” (p. 151)


A view from Kibeho. (Credit: Climbing the Mountains_Kibeho_1200p.jpg:
Kibeho, Rwanda. May 26th, 2015. Photo and editing by Xizi Luo. Please give credit. Xizi Luo (

Foreshadowing the genocide

On the 15th of August, 1982, a crowd of around 20,000 assembled around the wooden podium of the visionaries. Alphonsine received the apparition first that day. The Virgin Mary appeared sad and began to weep a few minutes later. When Alphonsine asked why, Mary told her to sing a song called “Naviriye ubusa mu Ijuru” (“I Came from Heaven for Nothing”):
“People are not grateful,
They don’t love me,
I came from heaven for nothing,
I left all the good things there for nothing.

My heart is full of sadness,
My child, show me the love,
You love me,
Come closer to my heart.” (Ilibagiza p. 147)

Mary wept even more. Alphonsine asked her to stop crying. She told her minutes later her message: three times “You opened the door and they refused to come in.”; three times “What are they waiting for?” and seven times “So we can help Jesus to save the world.” Then, Alphonsine received a long stream of images, showing rivers of blood, severed heads and lots of corpses. She described these images in horror to the audience. Then, Mary asked her to repeat the following two sentences seven times each: “There will be fire that will come from beneath the earth and consume everything on Earth.” and: “The day you will come to take those who have served you, God, we beg you to have mercy on us.” (Ilibagiza p. 149)

After Alphonsine, Anathalie and Marie-Claire experienced similar visions. Finally, Marie-Claire delivered this message from Mary: “Do not forget that God is more powerful than all the evil in the world… the world is on the edge of catastrophe. Cleanse your hearts through prayer. The only way is God. If you don’t take refuge in God, where will you go to hide when the fire has spread everywhere?” (Ilibagiza p. 150-151) Many people realized that the visionaries were talking about Rwanda. This was one of God’s warnings to the people to cleanse the ethnic hatred from their hearts.

The mission of Marie-Claire: spread the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows

The Rosary of the Seven Sorrows is a Christian devotion going back to the Middle Ages. Marie-Claire received the mission from the Virgin Mary to popularize the devotion once again. This rosary has a different form from the regular one: it has seven sets with seven Hail Marys. The devotion commemorates the seven sorrows of Mary during her life: hearing the Prophecy of Simeon, the flight to Egypt, the loss of Jesus in the Temple, meeting Jesus on the way to Calvary, standing at the foot of the cross, receiving the dead body of Jesus, and the placing of Jesus in the tomb. 

The last apparition – Mary appears to Alphonsine on November 28, 1989

The Virgin Mary told Alphonsine the following message:
“I bid you farewell but I will not forget Rwanda, Africa and I won’t forget the whole world neither
Don’t forget the long pilgrimages you did from your regions to Kibeho in Rwanda (She referred to those who would come from outside Rwanda).
To those will [sic] problems in your families: Remember the Humble-Holy family that existed in total poverty; in your problems, rely on it.
Difficult tribulations wait for the Church but do not fear for nothing is stronger than God’s power.
Pray unceasingly for the Church.
My children pray, pray! If you follow my son’s Gospel, nothing will take away the Joy from your souls.
Those with life-long problems: Nowhere in this world is without problems, you have to offer those problems to God and every Christian must offer a sacrifice.
To the consecrated: life is demanding and difficult, what is essential is to keep faithful to the vows (Not to break your vows).
To the youth: as young as you are, you feel capable to almost everything, take care not to take a route without a return (Getting lost completely).
To all leaders: you’ve got the stewardship of all the people. Don’t kill but save. Don’t be greedy and selfish but share with the others. Don’t shut down those who want to point out your mistake. I tell you whoever you will harass for speaking on behalf of the people, fighting for human dignity, for loving people, for better life conditions of all, for any good worthy of God’s people and for loving God, nothing will happen to him.” (Mwebe p. 15-16., quoting from E. Niyozima)

Missing details

There is not much available online about the visions and most of it is in Kinyarwanda or French, complicating matters somewhat.
According to Joseph Mwebe SDB, whose essay I have referenced extensively in this article, the Theological Commission requested that the three visionaries should write the messages down in their diaries and that those diaries are in the archives of the Gikongoro diocese. However, I couldn’t find them online. Apart from the main visions and messages, most of the messages are simply not online. There are tape transcripts of Anathalie’s visions to be found here, here, here, here and here (in Kinyarwanda).
It sparked my curiosity when Ilibagiza mentions on p. 148, that the Virgin Mary taught Alphonsine a song called “The Queen of Heaven and Earth”. However, I couldn’t find info online which songs specifically she taught Alphonsine.
If anyone among the readers is from Rwanda, please contact me at the e-mail address mentioned in the privacy policy. I would be interested in any new sources or material.

Investigating the visions

The local bishop, Bishop Gahamanyi appointed a commission of doctors on March 20, 1982 and a commission of theologians on May 14, 1982. The commission of doctors had four doctors as members and was led by Dr. Ntabomvura Vénant. Later, they also invited the only psychiatrist in Rwanda at the time, Dr. Bonaventure Muremyangango, into their team.  They mainly examined the visionaries during the apparitions, observing their reactions to stimuli like pinching. Their conclusion was that they could find no natural explanation for the occurences.
The commission of theologians was made up of 9 members, led by Rev. Fr. Rubwenjanga Frederic. They carefully studied whether the messages and the lives of the visionaries were in accordance with the Catholic faith or not. Their conclusion was that there was nothing against faith or morals in the messages.
Bishop Gahamanyi approved public devotion in Kibeho in 1988, but only his successor, Bishop Misago approved the apparitions themselves.

After the visions

“At the end of her studies at Kibeho, Alphonsine was immediately employed by the Diocese of Butare as a secretary and stenotypist at the Diocesan Service Centre for Catholic Education, at that time part of the prefecture of Gikongoro.” (here)
Anathalie stayed in Kibeho but it is unclear what she was doing during the time. Marie-Claire became a teacher and married Elie Ntabadahiga in 1987. She did not have any children.

The genocide

Beginning in 1990, the rebel group Ruandan Patriotic Front (RPF), which represented the Tutsis, began attacks on Rwandan territory. While the government asked for and received help from France, the RPF was able to capture some territory and execute raids in Rwanda, forcing the government into peace talks. On the other hand, among many Hutus, an ideology called “Hutu-Power” began to spread, which called for hate against the Tutsi.
On the April 6, 1994 the airplane of President Habyarimana was shot down as it began its landing on the airport of Kigali.
The newly formed provisional government began organizing a mass murder of the Tutsi minority. A large part of the Rwandans were illiterate and so radios had a huge influence. The goverment-run Radio Rwanda and RTLM, another radio station, began to broadcast hate and calls to kill Tutsis. A not exactly known number of people began murdering the Tutsi with machetes, axes, spears and similar weapons. In the villages, where neighbors knew each other’s ethnicity, Hutus killed their Tutsi neighbors. In larger cities, road blocks were put up and the Interrahamwe militia demanded to see the ID cards of passers by, and if they were Tutsi, they were killed. As Tutsi congregated in places like schools, hospitals and churches to protect themselves as groups, violent Hutu security forces encircled them. They threw hand grenades into the group and shot without regard with machine guns. Fleeing people were murdered. In this incredible brutality, around 250,000-300,000 Hutu killed anywhere from 600,000 to a million Tutsis and also moderate Hutus who did not want to take part in the genocide. Among the murdered was Marie-Claire, who was killed in the province of Byumba, in not completely clear circumstances, together with her husband. 
Alphonsine fled to Zaїre (DRC). “From there, she crossed to Ivory Coast where she studied Theology at the Abidjan university-UCAO. She was admitted to the Congregation of the Claretian Sisters and made her religious vows on 15, July 2006. She is now with the Capuchin Religious Sisters in a monastery in Italy where she lives discreetly.” (Mwebe, p.18) It is not known where exactly she lives and she doesn’t want to draw attention to herself.
Anathalie moved to the Diocese of Gikongoro. She then left the country and stayed in Bukavu in eastern DRC at a religious community. In 1996, she returned to Kibeho where she lives to this day in an apartment built for her, serving at the parish and patiently answering the questions of pilgrims. She lives a life of contemplative prayer. The Virgin Mary told her at her last apparition: “You will stay here, to pray for the souls in purgatory and you will accept the suffering in expiation of sins for sinners to convert.” (here)

Church approval

Besides the three approved visionaries, there were many more alleged ones, about 33 in total. Most of the other visionaries were not credible, as determined by the diocesan commission studying the events in Kibeho. The commission only studied 8 of the seers, those who had apparitions in the first year (between November 28, 1981 and November 28, 1982). Those eight were: (presumably, according to Ilibagiza 175-177) Alphonsine, Anathalie, Marie-Claire (†) (approved); Agnes, Vestine, Segatashya (†), Stephanie (†) and Valentine (unapproved). Although Ilibagiza’s book Our Lady of Kibeho regards all of them as credible, the bishop says about the unapproved ones in his decree that “only the three initial testimonies merit being considered authentic”. 

Present day

After the genocide, when multiple sisters were killed and convents destroyed, the Benebikira Sisters reopened their convent, their school and their health center in Kibeho in 1996. With donations from German Radio Horeb listeners, a Radio Maria station was opened in Kibeho. On their website, one can find additional information about the apparitions. The Marian Fathers have built a formation centre in Kibeho and the Annonciade Sisters have a convent there. There is a church for the pilgrims in Kibeho, but as for the large church Mary requested, it has not yet been built. Rwandan news portal IGIHE [Time] reported on July 30, 2020, that there are plans to build the basilica and contributors from the U.S. collected money, but there is disagreement about the plans for the building.

Anathalie Mukumazimpaka in 2021

Anathalie Mukumazimpaka in 2021


Book of Immaculée Ilibagiza: Our Lady of Kibeho: Mary Speaks to the World from the Heart of Africa

Website of the Kibeho Sanctuary:

Articles on it on the local Radio Maria station (some of the English articles about the apparition are not listed on this list, but are elsewhere on the site):

Presentation about the apparitions by the local diocese (in French):

A long essay by Joseph Mwebe SDB about Kibeho (the date of Anathalie’s last apparition is wrong):

Photo credits

Polsko-rwandyjskie konsultacje w Kigali.jpg: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland (
Taken on April 14, 2018

Vantage Point.jpg:
Kibeho, Rwanda. May 26th, 2015. Photo and editing by Xizi Luo. Please give credit. Xizi Luo (

Kibeho_Churchfromtheside_1200p.jpg: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland (
Taken on April 14, 2018

Climbing the Mountains_Kibeho_1200p.jpg:
Kibeho, Rwanda. May 26th, 2015. Photo and editing by Xizi Luo. Please give credit. Xizi Luo (

The three visionaries together and Anathalie in 2021 are taken as fair use from and, respectively.