Francis is not the Pope

Deutsch     Magyar

“Here, allow me to go back once again to 19 April 2005. The real gravity of the decision was also due to the fact that from that moment on I was engaged always and forever by the Lord. Always – anyone who accepts the Petrine ministry no longer has any privacy. He belongs always and completely to everyone, to the whole Church. In a manner of speaking, the private dimension of his life is completely eliminated. […] 

The ‘always’ is also a ‘for ever’ – there can no longer be a return to the private sphere. My decision to resign the active exercise of the ministry does not revoke this. I do not return to private life, to a life of travel, meetings, receptions, conferences, and so on. I am not abandoning the cross, but remaining in a new way at the side of the crucified Lord. I no longer bear the power of office for the governance of the Church, but in the service of prayer I remain, so to speak, in the enclosure of Saint Peter. Saint Benedict, whose name I bear as Pope, will be a great example for me in this. He showed us the way for a life which, whether active or passive, is completely given over to the work of God.”

Pope Benedict XVI, last General Audience on February 27, 2013 (link)

Benedict XVI from, CC-BY-NC-ND

Benedict XVI in 2010. Image taken from Flickr,, published under the CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0 license.

Benedict XVI's mosaic in the Basilica San Paolo fuori le mura in 2006

Image by Allie Caulfield on Flickr, CC-BY 2.0, here. Modified according to the terms of the license.

Resignation of Benedict XVI

Published on 09.25.2022.

Why the resignation of Benedict XVI was invalid

Antipope “Francis” is a heretic and an apostate

Published on 10.20.2024.

Antipope “Francis” (Jorge Bergoglio) is a heretic and an apostate, and therefore not a member of the Catholic Church. Thus, he cannot be the Pope.

Francisco José Vegara

Manifesto for reclaiming Catholic Doctrine by P. Francisco Vegara

Published on 01.01.2025.

In diesem Manifest aus dem Jahr 2023 erklärt der spanische Priester Francisco José Vegara Cerezo seine Gründe, warum er „Franziskus“ für einen Häretiker und einen Gegenpapst hält.

Bl. Nicholas Garlick celebrating Mass in secret.

Catholic priests who publicly stated that “Francis” is an antipope

Published on 12.12.2024.

In this article, I am going to mention some priests who have stated publicly that they do not believe Jorge Bergoglio to be the pope either due to his heresy or due to the invalidity of Benedict XVI’s resignation or both.

Some psychological tactics employed by Antipope “Francis”

Published on 11.27.2024.

This article gives three examples of psychological tactics used by Bergoglio.

What is “synodality”?

Published on 11.20.2024.

With the conclusion of the so-called “Synod on Synodality”, many people are asking themselves: what does “synodality” really mean?

A photo from Buenos Aires.

Photo by Hernán Piñera on Flickr, CC-BY-SA 2.0, here.

Interview with José Quarracino about Bergoglio

Published on 02.10.2024.

These are excerpts from an interview with José Arturo Quarracino, a teacher and freelance translator and nephew of Cardinal Quarracino, Archbishop of Buenos Aires before Bergoglio, first published on January 7, 2022 by

Short facts about Bergoglio

Published on 12.19.2023.

Here are some facts about Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), which are not talked about much in the media.

A picture of one side of St. Peter's square.

Image by Michael Sineni on Flickr, CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0, here.

Benedict XVI imparted the apostolic blessing in his own name after he “resigned”

Published on 10.29.2023.

Besides wearing his white cassock, retaining his papal name, the title “His Holiness” and living in the Vatican, there was another visible sign showing that Benedict XVI still considered himself pope in some sense after he resigned.

Buenos Aires Metropolitan Cathedral at night.

Image of the Buenos Aires Cathedral by Dennis Jarvis, CC-BY-SA 2.0 here.

Quotes from Bergoglio

Published on 10.17.2023.

Quotes from Bergoglio during his speeches, audiences, in-flight press conferences, interviews and official documents. 

The cathedral of Budapest.

Image of the Budapest Cathedral by Wally Gobetz, CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0 here.

Benedict was pope – collection of links

Published on 10.06.2023.

A collection of who is who in the Catholic media who believe that Benedict XVI was the pope until his death, with links to their more important articles and videos.

Inside of the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Cathedral.

Interior of the Buenos Aires Cathedral by Robert Cutts, CC-BY-SA 2.0, here.

Bergoglio – Voices

Published on 10.06.2023.

Quotes and opinions about Bergoglio.

Image of Fernández by Romanuspontifex on Wikimedia here, CC-BY-SA 3.0

Snippets from Argentina

Published on 06.23.2024.

There are a lot of little things about the Argentinian background of the so-called “Pope Francis” (Jorge Bergoglio), which are not reported on widely. This article presents a couple of them.

“The Catholic may not just sit tight and wait for a future pope to rule on a matter which requires immediate action now. We must distinguish between the false pastors of the false church, and the true pastors of the Catholic Church. Now that the Enemy has taken control of the apparatus of the Holy See, we must denounce and condemn the wolves in sheep’s clothing; from whom the pastor has fled. We must separate ourselves from them; and have no bond of communion with them. Now that the “mystery of iniquity” [2 Thessalonians 2:7] with its “operation of error” [2 Thessalonians 2:10] has taken hold of the reins of power in the Vatican, we must sever all bonds with it, reject its heresies and remain in full communion with the Catholic Church by adhering to her faith, sacraments and discipline.” (Fr. Paul Kramer, link)

Coat of arms of the Holy See during sede vacante.