Dr. Edmund Mazza
former professor of history at Azuza Pacific University
“Leave the Throne, Take the Ministry” The Sacred Powers of Pope Emeritus (link)
“It’s nothing business, it’s strictly personal”: The Psychic Powers of Pope Emeritus Part One (link)
If Francis is Pope… (link)
Patrick Coffin Show Episode 248: Is Benedict XVI Still the Pope? – Dr. Edmund Mazza from September 14, 2021 (audio) (video)
Francis or Benedict: Who’s the Real Pope? with Dr. Edmund Mazza (on The Meaning of Catholic) (unlisted Youtube video)
Unpacking Benedict’s resignation: What if Francis isn’t the pope after all? (Rumble video)
How to Resign: B16 Vs. Francis (on Tim Gordon) (Youtube video)
DEBATE: Is Benedict Still Pope? (Debate between Edmund Mazza and Steven O’Reilly on Tim Gordon) (Youtube video)
Dangers of Hypo-papalism with Dr. Ed Mazza (on The Meaning of Catholic) (Youtube video)
August 2022 Interview with Fatima Souls (video) (direct mp4 link, large file size)
Countdown Radio interview with Dr. Mazza about his new book (Rumble embed link)
Fr. Paul Kramer
Irish priest
no own website, his content regularly uploaded at https://ecclesiamilitans.com
Contra Bergoglium (text of one of his talks) (link)
Facebook posts:
Bergoglio Must Be Rejected (July 6, 2016) (link)
To the Objection… (June 12, 2016) (link)
The Case of the Dual Papacy (April 5, 2015) (link)
A Heretic Is an Incapable Subject of the Papacy (April 22, 2022) (link)
The Great Apostasy Will Begin at the Top (September 20, 2015) (link)
Why Benedict XVI’s renunciation was invalid (April 10, 2015) (link)
Bergoglio Wants the Remaining Vestige of the Catholic Church to Break Up… (February 27, 2015) (link)
The Papacy Cannot Defect, but an Invalidly Elected ‘Pope’… (July 7, 2015) (link)
After Pope Benedict Dies, then What? (September 15, 2015) (link)
Pope Benedict did not resign the papal office, but only renounced the active ministry of the office (October 25, 2014) (link)
The Heretic Antipope and the Coming Schism (January 17, 2020) (link)
Francis Is Canonically Incapable of Assuming the Office of Roman Pontiff (December 23, 2013) (link)
The Heresy of the Conciliar Popes and the Principal Error of the Sedevacantists (May 7, 2019) (link)
Jorge Bergoglio Pronounces the Judgment of Heresy against Himself (September 12, 2017) (link)
Heretics Automatically Lose Office ex Natura Hæresis (August 28, 2017) (link)
Bergoglio: Formal heretic (August 24, 2017) (link)
Pope Benedict XVI Did Not Renounce the Munus Petrinum (August 13, 2017) (link)
The Very Nature of Public Heresy Cuts the Heretic from the Body of the Church (September 29, 2016) (link)
The “Pope” Who Will Lead the Apostasy in the Church Will Be a HERETIC and an ANTIPOPE (September 16, 2016) (link)
That Is Not according to the Mind of the Church (August 10, 2016) (link)
Jorge Bergoglio Is an Infidel (June 10, 2016) (link)
Stefano Violi
Italian canon lawyer
The Resignation of Benedict XVI Between History, Law and Conscience (PDF link)
Frank Unterhalt
German priest, speaker of the priest community Communio Veritatis
Zur Declaratio Papst Benedikts (August 5, 2023) (link)
Der Betrug der Weltsynode / The Fraud of the World Synod (October 4, 2023) (link) (english text)
I Believe (link)
Bergoglio is not the pope (Youtube video)
Fr. Attila Bazsó-Dombi
Hungarian Eastern Rite Catholic priest in Romania
He shares posts both in English and in Hungarian
Radio Rosa Mística Colombia
Colombian Youtube channel (note: believes in some unapproved apparitions)
Nick Donnelly
Deacon in the Diocese of Lancaster, England
His blog “Protect the Faith” was discontinued a while ago.
Jan Paweł Lenga
Archbishop emeritus of the Diocese of Karaganda, Kazakhstan
He speaks in Polish. A few of his videos have English subtitles.
AL#301 and the dogma of Immutability (April 13, 2016) (link)
“Ideals” – Some people have them, some people don’t (April 21, 2016) (link)
Francis confirms: Chapter VIII of Amoris Laetitia commands sacrilege. “There are no other interpretations.” (September 10, 2016) (link)
The fancy footnotes need to be exposed again for all those who were asleep last year, but are now awake (April 5, 2017) (link)
Antipope Bergoglio attempts to promulgate formal heresy as official Church teaching (December 3, 2017) (link)
Communion for Adulterers: How Antipope Bergoglio used JPII to support the heresy, and root causes of the error (December 7, 2017) (link)
Antipope Bergoglio specifically proclaims the heresy of Amoris Laetitia as the Magisterium of the Church (December 11, 2019) (link)
Two Forgotten-Accounts [sic] of Canon 188 (link)
You Cannot Be a “Schismatic” For Keeping the Faith (link)
Miller’s Dissertation: The Key to Unlocking Benedict’s Incomplete Resignation (link)
Benedict XVI is the true pope? The evidence, and answers to objections. (A two-part interview on the page of Patrick Coffin) (first part) (second part)
A reply in defense of the book Benedict XVI: Pope “Emeritus”? (PDF link)
Is questioning the legitimacy of Francis’ pontificate falling into the “sedevacantist error”? (link)
¿Cuestionar la legitimidad del pontificado de “Francisco” es usurpar la autoridad eclesiástica? (Spanish) (link)
¿Cuestionar la legitimidad del Pontificado de “Francisco” confunde y divide a la Iglesia? (Spanish) (link)
Seven Pieces of Evidence That Francis Is an Antipope video (on own website) (on Rumble) (Rumble embed link)
Interview with Patrick Coffin on Lifesitenews: “Why Pope Francis’ election could be invalid according to John Paul II document” on May 4, 2022 (on Lifesitenews website) (on Rumble)
Patrick Coffin Show Episode 276: Reactions to My “Francis Is an Anti-Pope” Video from March 30, 2022 (audio)
Patrick Coffin Show Episode 308: More Evidence that Benedict XVI is Pope—Matthew Hanley from November 1, 2022 (audio) (on Rumble) (Rumble embed link)